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Past products

Press Unit ICT_P300

1. Two-cylinder
This Press Unit has two cylinders, one for movement and the other is for adding pressure. This fixture is durable and offers greater pointing accuracy.

2. Adjustable air pressure
Air pressure can be adjusted depending on the number of probes in the fixture. The power is also variable (High/Mid/Low).

3. "2 step" motion
Both the top and bottom plates move to ensure the safety of the UUT.


Press Unit ICT_P300

MicroPress Unit

1. "3 step" motion
Bottom plate moves up then supports the center plate.
The top plate moves down and holds the UUT (unit under test).
The bottom plate moves up again adding pressure to the UUT.
The "3 step motion" ensures the safety of the UUT.

2. Simple attachment of Fixture

By pressing the MPU switch button can connect/disconnect tester I/F (Interface) and fixture.
IThe fixture is now easier and more convenient to operate.

MicroPress Unit


Custom-made Function Test Fixture

Custom fixture is available upon request,
so please feel free to consult with us

Because control of the mechanic structure division and the PC program is independent,
maintenance of the structure division can do the tester of the photograph easily

Custom-made Function Test Fixture


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